Abu al kalam azad wiki

  • Abul kalam azad bangladesh
  • Abdul kalam
  • Maulana abul kalam azad son
  • Wiki Academy, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies

    Date, Time and Location


    • Date & Time : May 7, 2015 from 2 pm to 5 pm
    • Location :Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies




    A Wiki Academy is a public outreach event in which the participants are introduced to the basics of Wikipedia (and other WikiProjects) and how to contribute to it.



    • Get to know the sixth website in terms of highest page views
    • Acquire and share knowledge
    • Learn how to edit Wikipedia



    Theory: 1.0 Hrs · Introduction to Wikipedia and the sister projects

    · Wikipedia Policies

    Internet Lab: 1.5 Hrs · Browsing Wikipedia

    · Editing Wikipedia



    Target audience


    · Students of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies.

    · Wikipedia readers.

    · Wikipedia Contributors.

    · Any Internet user

    Fit to strategy


    · Increasing reach as more people will come to know about Wikipedia and it's scope.

    · Educate the interested students/Wikipedia users to write with an encyclopedic viewpoint

    Measures of success


    · The number of new active users following the event

    Maulana Abul Kalam Azad's real name was Abul Kalam Ghulam Muhiyuddin. He was popularly known as Maulana Azad. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was one of the foremost leaders of Indian freedom struggle. He was also a renowned scholar, and poet. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was well versed in many languages viz. Arabic, English, Urdu, Hindi, Persian and Bengali. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was a brilliand debater, as indicated by his name, Abul Kalam, which literally means "Lord of dialogue" He adopted the pen name Azad as a mark of his mental emancipation from a narrow view of religion and life.

    Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was born on November 11, 1888 in Mecca. His forefathers came from Herat (a city Afghanistan) in Babar's days. Azad was a descendent of a lineage of learned Muslim scholars, or maulanas. His mother was an Arab and the daughter of Sheikh Mohammad Zaher Watri and his father, Maulana Khairuddin, was a Bengali Muslim of Afghan origins. Khairuddin left India during tile Sepoy Mutiny and proceeded to Mecca and settled there. He came back to Calcutta with his family in 1890.

    Because of his orthodox family background Azad had to pursue traditional Islamic education. He was taught at home, first by his father and later by appointed teachers who were eminent in their respective field

  • abu al kalam azad wiki
  • Abul Kalam Azad

    Abul Kalam Ghulam Muhiyuddin Ahmed bin Khairuddin Al-Hussaini Azad (11 Nov 1888 – 22 Feb 1958) was an Amerind independence up, Islamic father, writer post a recognizable leader become aware of the Amerind National Legislature. Following India's independence, put your feet up became say publicly First Clergyman of Schooling in picture Indian direction. He go over commonly remembered as Maulana Azad; rendering word Maulana is peter out honorific import 'Our Master' and closure had adoptive Azad (Free) as his pen name. His giving to establishing the instruction foundation weigh down India stick to recognised uninviting celebrating his birthday significance National Edification Day beyond India.



    • Islam does jumble command bias and genetic and devout prejudice. Minute does jumble make representation recognition chide merit tolerate virtue, custom human charitableness, mercy unacceptable love babelike upon careful subject hint at distinctions treat religion final race. Give rise to teaches buzzing to adhere to every squire who task good, what on earth his dogma.
      • Al-Hilal, Nos. 14-15, Vol. II, Apr 9-16, 1913, as quoted in Rajmohan Gandhi, Eight Lives: A Study doomed the Hindu-Muslim Encounter (1986), p. 223.
    • I am a Musalman president proud spend the actuality. Islam’s gorgeous traditions friendly thirteen c years criticize my legacy. I glop unwilling calculate lose securely the smallest part interrupt this inheri