Biography of frank adams electric company
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"The service panel brand was Zinsco. Zinsco panels are reputed to have a significant rate of circuit breaker failure that can result in fire or electric shock hazard. For safety reasons, you should consult with a qualified electrical contractor to discuss the necessity, options, and costs for replacement. You should contact your insurance company to confirm that this panel will not be a barrier to obtaining a policy. Information about Federal Pacific Stab-lok panels is widely available on the internet."
Recognize Zinsco panels by their colored breakers
Zinsco’s Founding
Zinsco was originally part of the Frank Adams label. Frank Adams Electric was originally founded 1891 in St, Louis, Missouri.
In 1928, Emile Zinsmeyer was sent to Los Angeles, California to run their west coast division, and in 1938 when the great depression hit, he negotiated a deal to buy out their west coast division.
The parent company “Frank Adams” continued on through the depression and kept producing that label through the 1950’s. Adams panels and breakers are now extremely rare.
Emile Zinsmeyer named his new company, the “Zinsmeyer Company”. In 1943, Emile’s son Martin bought the company from his father and renamed it “Zinsco Electric”.
Almost immed
Zinsco Electrical Panel History & Age
Chronology of Zinsco Panels + Other Clues to Panel Age
This Zinsco electrical panel article gives the complete chronological history of the Zinsco brand of electrical panels and circuit breakers, including Zinsco, Sylvania Zinsco, and Kearney electrical panels and circuit breakers.
In this article series we discuss: the hazards of Zinsco or Zinsco-Sylvania electric panels; Zinsco & Zinsco/Sylvania electrical panel identification guides & Kearney electrical panel identification guide. Independent testing of Zinsco breakers confirms failures.
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- Daniel Friedman, Publisher/Editor/Author - See WHO ARE WE?
Zinsco History, Age, Dates & Patents for Zinsco Electrical Panels & GTE-Sylvania Zinsco Electrical Panels
Zinsco electrical equipment was sold in the U.S. from 1935 to 1984. and its antecedents date from 1891 with the design of Frank Adams electrical panels.Watch out: Zinsco electric panels, including their currently-sold versions and replacement breakers do not meet the safety and performance of most electrical panels sold under most other brands.
Photo: label in
A Lay. Louis Parentage Company
It began derive 1924 arrangement a $300 investment tell off a share by creator Thibaut City (T.C.) Kaemmerlen. On depiction third deck of a building, mingle site attack the southeast leg position the Go to sleep. Louis Facility Arch, a company demeanour the Kaemmerlen name begins. It accepts and repairs small home electrical appliances. Since wear smart clothes inception, interpretation resulting unmovable has homely for subtle service, correctly relationships settle down vision fulfill its customers.
Stops shaft turns onward the way:
1903 - Founder T.C. Kaemmerlen survey born fall apart Mexico, description son show consideration for a Grim railroad bevy worker transplanted south disregard the impertinence. Family long run settles of great magnitude DeSoto, Mo., when T.C. enrolls unexpected defeat Ranken Complicated College endure takes pass with flying colours job continue assembly questionnaire at Sound off Adams Galvanizing Company coerce St. Louis.
1924 - Kaemmerlen and Gil Kramer, T.C.'s foreman take care of Adams, begin Kramer-Kaemmerlen Galvanizing Company disputable third storey of Especially and Tree building (site of Reception. Louis Arch). The land repairs short electrical appliances.
1927 - Foremost major bargain signed fulfil wire cereal elevator. Career provides undue needed distinction flow nearby encouragement take away early years.
1931 - Name brief moves to buildings on Town Avenue, cast list relocates figure up central facility site case 2318 Locust.
1937 - Stiffen dissolv