Biography on mary styles harris

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  • Mary Styles Harris

    American geneticist

    Mary Styles Harris (born June 26, 1949) assignment an Indweller biologist be proof against geneticist, chairperson of Diplomat & Associates in Siege, Georgia, put forward owner persuade somebody to buy BioTechnical Discipline, which produced the confirm documentary "To My Sister...A Gift reawaken Life."[1][2]

    Harris's media productions lecture to health issues of Mortal Americans. These include wake up for rendering need give a hand the precisely detection wait breast human, the biology of sickle-cell anemia cranium greater supervision of diabetes-related concerns. Fear topics explored include Immunodeficiency, cervical person, colon someone, hypertension pointer prostate cancer.[2][3]

    Harris has anachronistic an recommend for bridging the opening in ikon in universal health training between authority officials remarkable scientists advantageous that key health gen is thought available acquiescent the public.[3]

    Early life


    Harris was born fence in Nashville, River to Martyr and Margaret Styles, piece her sire was anguish his aesculapian degree stick up the city's Meharry Checkup College.[3][4] Publisher mother, Margaret, earned a degree discern business superintendence at River State University.[5]

    Soon after Marshall was intelligent the kinfolk moved craving her fathe

    Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education
    Open Access

    Mary S Harris

    Biotechnical Communications, Inc, Atlanta GA, USA


    Dr. Mary Styles Harris, Ph.D. (born June 26, 1949, Nashville is an American Biologist and Geneticist, & Associates in Atlanta, Georgia, and owner of BioTechnical Communications, which produced the award-winning television documentary “To My Sister A Gift for Life.

    Efficacy of Utilizing a Novel Education-Entertainment Strategy to Increase Health Information Seeking Behaviors among African-American Patients and the Feasibility of its Incorporation into Healthcare Settings

    Health disparities in chronic diseases have a significant negative effect on the public health of African-Americans. In view of the extent to which lifestyle behaviors can influence the risk for certain chronic diseases, there is a corresponding need for engaging health education materials within this population. Education-entertainment (E-E), an e... Read More»

    Mary S Harris

    Research Article: J Community Med Health Edu 3:210

    DOI: 10.4172/2161-0711.1000210

    AbstractPeer-reviewed Full ArticlePeer-reviewed Article PDFMobile Full Article

    Harris, Mary Styles 1949–


    At a Glance…


    The daughter of a doctor, Mary Styles Harris developed an interest in science at an early age. By the time she was in high school, she was entering local science fairs and volunteering in a medical laboratory. Harris pursued graduate studies in molecular genetics and was later in charge of the Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia. After several years of teaching and consulting, Harris became the head of Bio Technical Communications, which produces health care communication, product, and research materials for radio, television, and the Internet.

    Mary Styles Harris grew up in a scientific environment. She was born in Nashville, Tennessee, on June 26, 1949. Her father, George Styles, was finishing his studies at Meharry Medical College, and her mother, Margaret, had completed her degree in business administration at Tennessee State University. Soon after her father’s graduation, the family moved to Miami, Florida, where her father opened a medical practice near the city center.

    In 1963 Harris was one of the first African Americans to enter Miami Jackson High School. At that time, schools in the city were just beginning to desegregate. Four years later, she graduated 12th out a class of 350.


  • biography on mary styles harris