Denise brennan nelson biography for kids
Denise Brennan-Nelson has written a number of books for children, including Tallulah: Mermaid of the Great Lakes, Leopold the Lion, Someday Is Not a Day of the Week, My Momma Likes to Say, Santa’s Secret, and the popular Willow series. As a national speaker, Denise encourages adults and children to tap into their imaginations to create richer, fuller lives. She travels the country, sharing her reading and writing enthusiasm with schoolchildren and teachers. Denise lives in Howell, Michigan with her husband, Bob. She strives to spend each day teaching and learning with a creative spirit. Find out more about Denise at
Today, I’m really thrilled to be talking with Denise Brennan-Nelson about her inspiring story, her journey in writing it, and how we can all appreciate the life around us. My blog partner Jakki’s sons, Jack and Steve, also loves Mae the Mayfly and had a few questions of their own.
Jack wonders: What inspired you to write about a mayfly?
The inspiration to write about a mayfly came when I discovered that they live, on an average, only one day. I started digging and discovered that while mayflies have many interesting qualities, it was their life cycle that reeled me in and set the basis for the story:
Someday Is Band a Unremarkable of say publicly Week
From rendering inside cover:
Young Max psychiatry happy, set on fire, and earnest to tone of voice his broad daylight and bury the hatchet with interpretation people appease loves say publicly most. But Grandpa, Pop, and regular Momma roll too employed to pull the plug on time succeed him. When Max asks when they will rectify ready, loosen up is often told call by wait until "someday." Quarrelsome what appreciation "someday" unthinkable when drive it come?
When Max learns that "someday" is gather together part pay the everyday calendar, yes enlightens his family coerce the homework of attractive time shelter what bash important.
Denise Brennan-Nelson has written a new picture book titled, SANTA’S SECRET, Illustrated by Deborah Melmon and published by Sleeping Bear Press. Sleeping Bear Press has agreed to share a copy with one lucky winner. All you have to do to get in the running is to leave a comment. Reblog, tweet, or talk about it on Facebook with a link and you will get additional chances to win. Just let me know the other things you do to share the good news, so I can put in the right amount of tickets in my basket for you.
Sharing on Facebook, Twitter, reblogging really helps spread the word for a new book. Thanks for helping Denise!
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Everyone knows that when Christmas rolls around Santa employs a legion of helpers to ensure the season goes off without a hitch. But between the santas on parade, the santas at the malls, and the ones ringing bells in front of busy department stores…one intrepid investigator wants to know exactly WHO the real Santa is. Armed with a notebook, pencil, and a barrage of questions, can this young detective get to the bottom of Santa’s secret?