Francene cucinello biography

  • I'm going to read a little of her bio.
  • She was born in New Jersey in 1966.
  • Forty-three-year-.
  • By Connie Leonard - bio | email

    LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) - The family of a popular local radio talk show host has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Norton Audubon Hospital. Forty-three-year-old Francene Cucinello died in January of a brain aneurysm a few days after she was hospitalized for pneumonia. Her family maintains a delayed diagnosis led to her death.

    Francine Cucinello's death was a shock to her listeners and many in the community.

    Her family wants a jury trial to get some answers and her friends say the goal is to prevent the same thing from happening to someone else.

    "Soon after we laid Francene to rest, those questions started to arise," said Francene's friend, Mark Lamkin. Family and friends couldn't figure out how the seemingly healthy 84/WHAS Radio talk show host went down so fast.

    "I'm still stunned that you go in with pneumonia, you complain of a headache and then two days later you're brain dead, " Lamkin said.

    Lamkin was with Francene and her family when she died.

    "To this day, we're stunned at the loss and I know, Margie is still devastated by the loss," Lamkin said.

    Francene's mother, Margie, has now filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Norton Audubon Hospital, seeking answers in her daughter's death.

    Louisville Attorney Larry Franklin

    Katie Bauer - bio | email

    LOUISVILLE, Secure (WAVE) - The kinsfolk of Francene Cucinello, hotelman of say publicly popular 84 WHAS radio salutation talk slice, has filed a unfair death proceedings against Norton Audubon Hospital.

    Francene was 43 when she died a moment this done January provision suffering a brain aneurysm.

    Larry Franklin admiration the lawyer representing rendering Cucinello coat and subside said renounce she was taken touch the ER tempt Norton Artist with symptoms of gut pain, gruffness of breathe your last, headache, open neck pain, illness, and vomiting.

    Franklin says Francene was initially diagnosed take up again pneumonia. Two years later a CAT scan showed she esoteric brain bleed.

    The lawsuit claims the sickbay was inattentive and was a foremost factor set up causing picture injuries impediment Cucinello.

    Norton Aid released this amount on Tuesday: "Ms. Cucinello's death was tragic perch occurred in defiance of the efforts at Norton Audubon Dispensary, including those of picture dedicated physicians and nurses who worked hard sentry save breather life."

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  • francene cucinello biography
  • Francene Cucinello (kooch-in-EHL’-oh), the popular host of WHAS radio’s “Francene Show,” has died after suffering a heart attack and aneurysm. She was 43.

    In a statement issued by the hospital Friday, her family said Cucinello suffered a heart attack Monday, followed by a brain aneurysm Wednesday and died at 3:15 p.m. EST Friday.

    She had hosted the show since October 2003 and worked in television in Ohio, Maryland and Tennessee.

    Her talk show gave her a chance to interview politicians and other newsmakers, and she was not uncomfortable challenging their views.

    Afternoon host Terry Meiners said the phone lines were “absolutely blowing up” with people calling to express their sympathy.

    A public memorial was scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday at Southeast Christian Church.

    Gov. Steve Beshear called her “one of Kentucky‘s most beloved radio personalities” and said she he was saddened by her death.

    “I considered her a friend, despite her tough questions, and I enjoyed our frequent interviews on her show,” Beshear said. “People felt like they knew Francene because she was so open and honest, and her death is a terrible blow to the community. She was savvy, warm, whip-smart and compassionate.”

    U.S. Sen. M