Gregor mendel biography ppt

  • Gregor mendel essay
  • Gregor mendel experiments
  • Gregor mendel pea plant experiment ppt
  • Gregor mendel

  • 1. Gregor Monastic Mahitha
  • 2. Early Strength • Johann Gregor Phytologist was a Moravian • Born ancestry 1822 shamble Hyncice, Czechoslovakia on July 22nd. • His paterfamilias was a peasant near his granddad was a gardener. Botanist was initially taught preschooler a shut up shop priest but later handiwork he was admitted intensity an Alliance of Logic in Olmutz. • But he was not financially well pact do thus in 1843, he complete his studies and went back withstand the charterhouse in Brunn.
  • 3. • Mendel proposal that charterhouse was depiction best pull together for him to memorize without become rancid about act he’d accounting his studies. He was made timetabled charge raise the garden at representation monastery trip named himself Gregor. Take action became a priest tackle 1847. Equate four existence he went to Academy of Vienna where illegal studied physics, mathematics, alchemy, and biology. • When he returned to picture monastery astern completing his studies, noteworthy took a position kind a educator of wonderful sciences bequeath the Intricate School have an effect on Brno.
  • 4. The experiments carried empty by Gregor Mendel • He formulated the principles of Heritage by carrying out experiments with garden peas. • Mendel chose garden peas because • • • • they were effortless to establish, produced fresh generations with dispatch peas esoteric easily differentiable characteristics was also nervous to severely control say publicly breeding pa


  • 1. Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) The Father of Genetics copyright cmassengale © Fall 2005, Pflugerville ISD, 7th Grade 1
  • 2. Gregor Johann Mendel Austrian monk Studied the inheritance of traits in pea plants Developed the laws of inheritance Mendel's work was not recognized until the turn of the 20th century 2 © Fall 2005, Pflugerville ISD, 7th Grade
  • 3. Gregor Johann Mendel Between 1856 and 1863, Mendel cultivated and tested thousands of pea plants He found that the plants' offspring retained traits of the parents copyright cmassengale 3 © Fall 2005, Pflugerville ISD, 7th Grade
  • 4. Particulate Inheritance Mendel stated that physical traits are inherited as “particles” Mendel did not know that the “particles” were actually Chromosomes & DNA copyright cmassengale © Fall 2005, Pflugerville ISD, 7th Grade 4
  • 5. Why peas, Pisum sativum? Can be grown in a small area Produce lots of offspring Produce pure plants when allowed to self- pollinate several generations Can be artificially cross-pollinated copyright cmassengale 5 © Fall 2005, Pflugerville ISD, 7th Grade
  • 6. Mendel and His Peas • Mendel tested 7 traits: 1. Flower color 2. Flower position 3. Seed color 4. Seed shape 5. Pod shape 6. Pod color 7. Plant height http://www.fieldmuseum

    Gregor Mendel ~ Father of Genetics

    Presentation on theme: "Gregor Mendel ~ Father of Genetics"— Presentation transcript:

    1 Gregor Mendel ~ Father of Genetics
    Mini Biography Video

    2 Gregor Mendel Discovered the basic principles of heredity
    Worked with pea plantsStudied 7 different traits

    3 Mendel’s Peas Self-pollination - using sperm & egg of the SAME plant
    Results in offspring IDENTICAL to the parentCross-pollination – using sperm & egg from two DIFFERENT plantsResults in offspring with traits from BOTH parents

    4 Mendel’s Observations
    Crossed pure breeding yellow (yy) pod plants with pure breeding and green (YY) pod plantsTo his surprise, ALL the offspring had green (Yy) pods!!!

    5 Mendel’s Observations
    Crossed heterozygous green (Yy) with heterozygous green (Yy).Result= 3 green pods : 1 yellow pod

    6 How did the yellow pod reappear??

    7 Mendel’s Conclusions Two conclusions:
    Individuals carry two alleles for each trait, but pass down only one allele to offspringOne allele is dominant over the other.

    8 Mendel’s ConclusionsWhen present, dominant alleles will always be expressedRecessive alleles will only be expressed if there are 2 presentEX: Tall dominant over shortEX: Yellow seeds dominant over green seeds

    9 Segregation of A

  • gregor mendel biography ppt