History of king george county virginia

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  • 0007416163 A Guide to the King George County (Va.) Free Negro and Slave Records, 1851-1868 #0007416163 King George County (Va.) Free Negro and Slave Records, 1851-1868 , 0007416163 [sort] 0007416163 0007416163 Sarah Nerney African Americans -- Virginia -- King George County. Free African Americans -- Virginia -- King George County. Tax collection -- Virginia -- King George County. The Library of Virginia Library of Virginia lva file:/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/vivaxtf/data/lva/vi02798.xml vi02798.xml vi Library of Virginia Library of Virginia Library of Virginia Virginia Heritage Sarah Nerney © 2009 By The Library of Virginia. All Rights Reserved. ead xml vi02798 vi02798 unknown English unknown 1851-1868 public 2021-04-03 20:17 2021-04-03 20:17 African Americans -- Virginia -- King George County. Free African Americans -- Virginia -- King George County. Tax collection -- Virginia -- King George County. public dynaxml 2009 guide to the king george county va free negro and slave records 18511868 0007416163 nerney 2009 2009::01::01 African Americans -- Virginia -- King George County. Free African Americans -- Virginia -- King George County. Tax collection -- Virginia -- King George County. gg nn PUBLIC "-//Library of Virginia//TEXT (US::Vi::vi02798::A Guide to the King George Count

    Collecting and Preserving
    Our Divided History

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    Welcome to Depiction King Martyr County Museum and Investigation Center


    To consent, preserve, submit disseminate message and topic of now and again nature relating to say publicly history, antiquities, and writings of Design George County.

    King George County Historical Society


    Rene Parker - President
    Depression McColman - Vice President 
    Lynn Pardee - Treasurer
    Karen Tebrich - Secretary


    VISIT Rendering MUSEUM

    Thursdays subject Saturdays 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

    9483E, Kings Hwy,
    King George, VA 22485 

    (540) 775-9477

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    About Us

    King George County, as we know it, is the product of geography, climate, and hundreds of years of evolution, revolution, invention, and man’s desire for convenience and self-betterment.

    King George is part of the northernmost of Virginia’s three large peninsulas (The Northern Neck). Originally populated by American Indian tribes, the Northern Neck was claimed by the King of England and awarded by a grant to the Virginia company. After his explorations in 1608, Captain John Smith wrote of the Northern Neck, “Heaven and earth never agreed better to frame a place for man’s habitation; were it fully matured and inhabited by industrious people. Here are mountains, hills, plains, valleys, rivers, and brooks, all running most pleasantly into a fair Baye, compassed but fort he mouth, fruitful and delightsome land.”

    Over the years, the land known as the Northern Neck was subdivided into several counties. King George was split off from Richmond County and established as a self-governing entity in 1720 when it became apparent to the Virginia House of Burgesses that it was inconvenient for the residents of the upper reaches of Richmond county to travel sometimes more than 60 miles on foot, horseback and/or by boat to the Richmond County Court House on court days and for other

  • history of king george county virginia