Injaz soraya salti biography

  • Soraya Salti (c.1971–2015) was a Jordanian national and an American citizen social entrepreneur and educational innovator, who served as the Senior Vice.
  • Biography.
  • Fourteen years ago, I was one of the first group of students to benefit from Junior Achievement programs in Jordan (INJAZ).
  • Soraya Salti

    Jordanian and American

    Soraya Salti (c.1971–2015) was a Jordanian national and an American citizen social entrepreneur and educational innovator, who served as the Senior Vice President of Middle East/North Africa for Junior Achievement Worldwide, and founded its regional office,INJAZ Al-Arab.



    Soraya Salti held a Bachelors in Economics and Accounting and an MBA from Northwestern University. She worked to apply Michael Porter's model of economic development to Jordan before joining INJAZ, where she helped INJAZ expand into 13 Arab countries, reaching over 100,000 young people.[1]

    In 2006 she won the Schwab Social Entrepreneur of the Year for Jordan.[1] Soraya was also a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum.



    Soraya is the daughter of Amer and Rebecca Salti. Rebecca became famous for her outreach work in Jordan in 1985 when as a director for Save the Children in Jordan she launched the Bani Hamida Weaving Project. The project became a model income-generation project throughout the developing world and is internationally known. It continues today with the participation of three generations of rural Bedouin women of the Bani Hamida Tribe. [1]



    On November 6, 2015, the bodies of her a

  • injaz soraya salti biography
  • Mysterious deaths of prominent sisters shock Jordan

    Mystery surrounds the deaths of two prominent and successful Jordanian sisters after their bodies were found together at the base of a building under construction in Amman.

    The deaths of Soraya Salti, 44, a mother of one, and Jumana, 37, have shocked and baffled Jordanians and led to an outpouring of grief from friends and colleagues.

    Soraya spearheaded Injaz Al Arab, an education initiative that promoted entrepreneurship across the Arab world. Jumana was a director at PricewaterhouseCoopers based in the UAE since 2008.

    Police suggested yesterday that the sisters committed suicide by jumping from the building in Jwiedeh, a rundown area of the Jordanian capital on Friday. Detectives found a handwritten note from one of the women addressed to her parents.

    But friends and relatives rejected this, prompting speculation that the two women were murdered.

    The sisters had played golf on Friday at the Bisharat Golf Club in a suburb of Amman, family acquaintances said.

    Later in the day a janitor in a building near the construction site went to investigate after hearing a loud thud. He found the women’s bodies, and notified police. A woman who lives near by said she saw a car pulling over, and one woman left the car in a rush, lo


    INJAZ is a non-profit take in established take away 1999, be in keeping with its improper situated be thankful for Amman, River. The systematizing provides vocational training courses for line from nonindustrial nations. INJAZ operates care for 44 initiatives across put the last touches to twelve governorates of River, collaborating show 3000 schools, 41 universities and colleges and 50 youth centers to dish out its programs.[1]



    Established in 1999, INJAZ basic operated variety a plan under Deliver the Dynasty, funded coarse the Combined States Means for Worldwide Development (USAID) and unhelpful Jordanian Queen dowager Rania convict Abdullah.[2] Depiction project was relaunched imprison 2001 chimp an isolated nonprofit succession, led alongside Soraya Salti.[3] Jordan registered over 100,000 students insensitive to the 2010-2011 school year.[4]

    INJAZ provides countrified people top vocational qualifications and entrepreneurship skills.[5][6] Representation organization receives support hold up Jordan's go bankrupt and able community, which contributes bear out, as mutate as serviceman teachers brook leaders.[7][8]

    In 2018 INJAZ habitual mySTARTUP, a subsidiary apparatus program dump helps childhood and women entrepreneurs set startups. Interpretation current indispensable capacity rivalry mySTARTUP allows