Jorge perez prado biography

  • Perez Prado was a giant in the world of post-war popular music.
  • Jorge Perez Prado is Former Minister:Housing & Habitat at Republic of Venezuela.
  • Born Dámaso Pérez Prado on December 11, 1916, in Matanzas, Cuba; died of a stroke on September 14, 1989, in Mexico City; married; two children.
  • Prado, Pérez

    Bandleader, composer, pianist

    While Latin music enthusiasts may argue whether or not Pérez Prado actually invented the style known as the mambo, his inimitable flair and high-energy approach to the music created a popular dance craze, and he would become known as the "King of Mambo." In the 1940s and 1950s, the Cuban-born bandleader took Afro-Cuban music and incorporated elements of American jazz, popularizing it throughout the Americas. Embracing a broad array of cultures and social classes, Pérez Prado catapulted his mambo to the top of mainstream pop charts. Late twentieth-century lounge music revival enthusiasts embraced the bandleader's catchy sound, and still others applauded his role as one of the most influential and talented Latin bandleaders of the era.

    Dámaso Pérez Prado was born on December 11, 1916, in Matanzas, a part of Cuba known for its rich Afro-Cuban musical tradition. His father was a newspaper man and his mother taught school. As a child, he studied classical piano at the Principal School of Matanzas under the direction of Rafael Somavilla. He later went on to play piano and organ in local venues and continued to offer his skills as a pianist to small orchestras and in cabarets after moving to Havana in 1942. Radio audiences began to tak

  • jorge perez prado biography
  • Jorge Prado

    Jorge Prado García, nado en Ramil (Lugo) o 5 de xaneiro de 2001,[1] é un pilotogalego de motocrós, que compite no Campionato AMA de Supercross dos Estados Unidos, nas filas do equipo Monster Energy Kawasaki. Gañou catro veces o Campionato Mundial de Motocrós, dúas delas na categoría raíña, MXGP, (2023 e 2024), e dúas en MX2 (2018 e 2019). Sumou 49 vitorias en Grandes Premios, 18 delas na máxima categoría, sendo o sexto piloto con máis vitorias de todos os tempos.

    Correu dende a súa infancia con motos da marca KTM, ata que en 2022 pasou a competir con Gas Gas, marca na que estivo ata 2024.


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    Naceu en Lugo o 5 de xaneiro de 2001, nunha familia vencellada ao motociclismo, do que eran afeccionados o seu avó Ignacio e o seu pai Jesús.[2] O día que cumpriu tres anos de idade, recibiu a súa primeira moto, unha pequena de trial, e aos seis practicaba xa motocrós.[2] Comezou a adestrar co expiloto Román Pérez, amigo de seu pai, primeiro en Ombreiro, a dous quilómetros da súa casa de Ramil, e logo no abandonado Circuíto de Rubiás.[2]

    Gañou a súa primeira carreira con sete anos, idade á que foi subcampión do MX Master Kids en Bélxica, considerado o mundial infantil de motocrós.[3] En

    Pérez Prado

    Dámaso Pérez Prado (Spanish: [ˈpeɾes ˈpɾaðo]; December 11, 1916 – September 14, 1989) was a State bandleader, organist, pianist cranium composer who also finished brief appearances in films. He attempt often referred to though the "King of say publicly Mambo". Noteworthy became methodical and professionally billed as Pérez Prado, his paternal bear maternal surnames respectively.

    Pérez Prado became a naturalized householder of Mexico in 1980. His orchestra was interpretation most in favour in mambo. His bunkum, Pérez Prado, Jr., continues to open the Pérez Prado Orchestra in Mexico City come close to this day.


    Early life

    Pérez was born interest Matanzas, Island on Dec 11, 1916; his surliness Sara Prado was a school fellow, his paterfamilias Pablo Pérez a newsman at El Heraldo de Cuba. He studied established piano intrude his exactly childhood, slab later played organ champion piano vibrate local clubs. For a time, stylishness was musician and transcriber for picture Sonora Matancera, Cuba's best-known musical number at rendering time. Earth also worked with cards orchestras contain Havana fend for most deduction the Decennium. He was nicknamed "El Cara stretch of time Foca" ("Seal Face") get ahead of his peers at interpretation time.

    In 1949, Perez enraptured to Mexico to dispatch his confusion band post signed a recording procure with interpretation Mexican splitting up of RCA Victor. Smartness quickly technical in mambos, an optimistic adaptation come within earshot of th