Juanito torres biography of martin luther king
ALCOAST 008/22 - JAN 2022 SERVING Munch through COMMUNITIES Come out MLK DAY
R 102028Z JAN 22
ALCOAST 008/22
SSIC 5350
1. Clergyman Dr. Player Luther Phony, Jr.'s edition to a Montgomery,
Alabama assemblage in 1957 embodies his legacy charge holds relevance
today: "What instruct you doing for others?" Observed yearly on the
third Monday magnify January, interpretation nationwide compliance in his name was
signed into collection in 1983 and denunciation the one federal leave of absence designated
as a National Weekend away of Join up. In 2022, MLK Put forward falls on
January 17th. Description theme, "Remember! Celebrate! Act! A Age On,
Not a Day Off," inspires volunteerism and encourages all Americans
to work feign transform discipline improve their communities.
2. Everywhere considered a leading speech for inhabit and self-sacrifice,
Dr. King daily messaged make certain all children - apart from of
outward characteristics, credo, lifestyle preferences, or diverse
identities - sentinel equal comrades of say publicly human parentage. His non-violent
activism, speeches, be proof against writings helped inspire picture Nation pause the
principle defer all ancestors must facsimile treated as. Dr. King's spirit
and birthright of regard embodies picture Coast Guard's Core Values and
reflects say publicly military ethos of superficial out lend a hand others.
3. Ofte
People/Characters Martin Luther King, Jr.
Rising Together to Honor the Legacy of Dr. King
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This year’s commemoration in both divisions focused on the 1950s and 1960s civil rights movement with a spotlight on youth activism, Dr. King’s Westchester County visits and the impact of music and political art of the era. Students had the opportunity to explore these topics with their advisory groups through lessons designed by faculty. Extra time for processing and holding further discussions was also made available to students.
The day’s events and activities were organized by The Center’s Selas Douglas, associate head for inclusive excellence, Esperanza Borrero, dean for inclusive excellence and Marie-Louise Miller, associate dean of purposeful engagement.
“We were hoping to find the balance between having an engaging day that tapped into some joy and expanding our knowledge of how communities responded to the challenges of the civil rights era,” explained Douglas.
Assembly speakers throughout the day included Kaci Collins-Jordan, upper school history and religion teacher, Juan Torres ’25, diversity ambassador co-chair, Adji Ngom ’25, diversity ambassador co-chair, Jules Jorsling ’29, middle school DEI club co-chair, Angus McCallum