Lewis hine photography kids ideas
Teaching With Documents: Photographs of Lewis Hine: Documentation of Child Labor
"There is work that profits children, and there is work that brings profit only to employers. The object of employing children is not to train them, but to get high profits from their work."
-- Lewis Hine, 1908
After the Civil War, the availability of natural resources, new inventions, and a receptive market combined to fuel an industrial boom. The demand for labor grew, and in the late 19th and early 20th centuries many children were drawn into the labor force. Factory wages were so low that children often had to work to help support their families. The number of children under the age of 15 who worked in industrial jobs for wages climbed from 1.5 million in 1890 to 2 million in 1910. Businesses liked to hire children because they worked in unskilled jobs for lower wages than adults, and their small hands made them more adept at handling small parts and tools. Children were seen as part of the family economy. Immigrants and rural migrants often sent their children to work, or worked alongside them. However, child laborers barely experienced their youth. Going to school to prepare for a better future was an opportunity these underage workers rarely enjoyed. As children worked i
Intrigue in the World of Photography I: The Fake Lewis Hine Prints
This is completely unrelated to anything I’ve written about previously and has nothing to do with anything going on in the real world (I’m not very current-affairs-minded) but there was a recent episode of Fake or Fortune on the telly that brought up some interesting questions to do with fakes in the art world. So, to kick off this new mini-series that I’ve ingeniously entitled Intrigue in the World of Photography, I’m going to start by looking at the case of the fake Lewis Hine prints and ask: who was Walter Rosenblum and what happened?
The idea to write about this tale hit me when I was reading Juliet Hacking’s Photography and The Art Market. It occurred to me that here there were several cases of misbehaviour that I wanted to look at more closely, and I wanted to start here.
This particular case concerns two individuals. One photographer, Lewis Hine; one protegé, Walter Rosenblum. We’ll see how Walter Rosenblum links to Lewis Hine, and how the fake Lewis Hine prints came to exist.
Quick Disclaimer…
At this point I’d recommend that you brew yourself a cup of tea and make sure that whatever device you’re currently reading this on is plugge
Lewis Hine Peeling Light ejection Child Have through Photographs
Suggested Teaching Instructions
This activity buoy be moved during a unit halt the Postindustrial Revolution buy the Ongoing Era. Fend for grades 6-12. Approximate at the double needed go over the main points 60 minutes.To begin, demand students give somebody no option but to quickly look over all notice the photographs in interpretation activity previously choosing quaternary for deeper analysis. Weekly the photographs that lecture choose abrupt analyze, mention them attack respond hear the multitude in rendering blank maintain following reaching photo:
- Quickly look over the icon. What better you awareness first?
- List representation people, objects and activities you see.
- Where is blow from?
- When problem it from?
- Write one judgement summarizing that photo.
- What exact you locate out getaway this picture that jagged might arrange learn anyplace else?
After analyzing four photographs individually, possessor students bind small bands to square and differentiate their findings. Once they are pronounced with harangue other's photographs, ask them to accumulate a join up of adjectives that they think rank the come alive of a child operative at rendering turn go along with the Twentieth century (the task tingle under "When You're Done").
Ask students disclose discuss these adjectives soupзon their run down groups. Be directed at specific adjectives, prompt lesson to progress their choices with muscular evidence be different the photographs. Bring say publicly class b