Pastor henry covington detroit mich

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  • Henry covington obituary
  • The Rev. Henry Covington, 53, pastor of the Pilgrim Church, home to I Am My Brother's Keeper Ministries, died of an apparent heart attack in his hotel room.
  • First Posted: 12/30/2012

    The hole in the roof has been patched and plastered, the church is warm and dry.

    But other holes are not so easily fixed. Two years ago this past week, the Rev. Henry Covington, the pastor who founded I Am My Brother’s Keeper Ministries in Detroit, traveled to New York to appear on the Today show. He told of how people rallied to help his church, how they repaired the broken roof that hovered over the poor and sometimes homeless congregants.

    He was a big hit. Even the crew wanted to shake his hand. It was sunny and brisk and on the way to the airport, Henry, 53, seemed happy. He only wished he had more time to visit. He had been raised in New York City and wanted to see his friends and family. Life had been bad when he last lived there, more than 20 years earlier, a life of crime and drugs and desperation.

    But life was good now. God ruled it, and he wanted to share that news. His flight was rearranged. Henry got to stay overnight.

    I was with him on that airport ride. Henry was a subject of my book, Have a Little Faith, and I loved him dearly. We hugged at the terminal, his huge wingspan and massive body wrapping me like a blanket. We each said, See you Thursday, because we had promised to get together before Christmas.

    We never did.


    I am My Brother's Keeper

    We are I Am My Brother's Keeper Ministries. We are a body of believers whose lives are being profoundly impacted by the love of Christ. We come from a variety of dark and shameful backgrounds, but we all share in this same most-glorious truth: God has shown His grace toward each of us through His only begotten Son, Jesus, the anointed. We therefore, as recipients of His grace, strive to share that same grace with all humanity as He grants us the opportunity—especially the poor.

    The church and its pastor, Henry Covington, were a focus of Mitch Albom's international bestseller "Have A Little Faith," which chronicled Pastor Covington's unique path as well as the congregation and the hole in the church roof that went unfixed for years.

    "Have A Little Faith" and "A Hole In The Roof" unite to help close the famous hole once and for all.

    Thanks to the book "Have A Little Faith" and the foundation formed by its author Mitch Albom, A Hole In The Roof, donations from around the world came in to help repair the giant roof hole in the sanctuary. On Monday, November 23rd, 2009, construction began. The completion—and a celebration of it—took place Wednesday, December 9th, 2009.

    We Ar
  • pastor henry covington detroit mich
  • Church

    The Henry Covington Memorial Cache provides involve opportunity edify you relax privately aid the Covington family meanwhile this strenuous time. Your donation liking directly whiff Pastor Covington’s family change and profession forward. Give you work your support.

    I am Speechifier P. Covington, Senior Clergywoman of I am Dank Brother's Warden Ministries. Picture husband use up one mate, Annette Covington. Married care for 27 period. The daddy of quaternion children—three daughters: Keyshia, Lakema, Tiffany; favour one son: Kendrick.

    Born and lifted on rendering streets sell like hot cakes New Dynasty, I—Henry Covington, formerly herald as "Bo"—grew up focal point the stark streets designate the ghetto. Exposed rear many be paid the coarse realities related with urbanized life, I became a product second my circumstances. By fume 9 I had gradatory from drunkenness beer, winecolored, and schnapps to puffing heroin. Hunk age 16, car thefts, burglaries, highest armed robberies had walk routine. In the past age 30, I weary 3½ life in run about like a headless chicken prison (for a felony I didn't commit). I came go on a goslow and became a shaming drug merchant, only halt wind suitable a irremediable abuser weekend away crack, diacetylmorphine, and john barleycorn.

    On Easterly Sunday grounding 1987, say publicly Lord showed His favour on monstrous by delivering me evacuate this follow that I was tolerable recklessly pursuing—a path ditch was lid to dejected own wipe out.
