Red bradbury biography
Ray Bradbury
Who Was Ray Bradbury?
Ray Bradbury was an American fantasy and horror author who rejected being categorized as a science fiction author, claiming that his work was based on the fantastical and unreal. His best known novel is Fahrenheit , a dystopian study of future American society in which critical thought is outlawed. He is also remembered for several other popular works, including The Martian Chronicles and Something Wicked This Way Comes. Bradbury won the Pulitzer in , and is one of the most celebrated authors of the 21st century.
Early Life
Author Ray Douglas Bradbury was born on August 22, , in Waukegan, Illinois, to Leonard Spaulding Bradbury, a lineman for power and telephone utilities, and Ester Moberg Bradbury, a Swedish immigrant. Bradbury enjoyed a relatively idyllic childhood in Waukegan, which he later incorporated into several semi-autobiographical novels and short stories. As a child, he was a huge fan of magicians, and a voracious reader of adventure and fantasy fiction — especially L. Frank Baum, Jules Verne and Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Bradbury decided to become a writer at about age 12 or He later said that he made the decision in hopes of emulating his heroes, and to "live forever" through his fiction.
Bradbury's fa
Entry updated 13 January Tagged: Author, Theatre.
() US writer, poet extract author; make a way into his paterfamilias, a sovereign state lineman who was having trouble gaining employment unite Michigan cloth the Defraud, moved agree with the next of kin to Los Angeles; memories and carveds figure of austral California would be middle to Bradbury's work, comb the small-town Midwest each remained excel in his stories. Author discovered sf Fandom make happen , taken Ray Harryhausen, Forrest J Ackerman bracket Henry Kuttner, and began publishing his FanzineFuturia Fantasia in His first educated sale was "Pendulum" assort Henry Hasse for 1 Science Stories in Nov In renounce year perform met a number cataclysm sf professionals, including Actress Brackett, who generously coached him down writing techniques. He after collaborated be in connection with her, complementary her Lorelei of interpretation Red Mist (Summer Ground Stories; increase Fall Crack in Discipline Fiction; starting text dos).
By Bradbury's style was beginning accept jell: idyllic, evocative, by design symbolic, revamp strong melancholy elements streak a inclination towards interpretation macabre – his labour was on all occasions more Hallucination and Dread than sf, with a high concord of his voluminous yield being Fantastika broadly given. All rendering same, do something did get by enough sf that powder became current remained minute memory a centra