Reviews of clarence thomas biography

  • His narrative is deeply invested in a careful reading of Thomas's decisions and writings and speeches off the bench, but The Enigma of Clarence Thomas is not legalistic or inaccessible, nor is it polemical in its treatment of Thomas's vision.
  • Andrew Peyton Thomas (no relation) explores Clarence Thomas' remarkable rise from a childhood of poverty in segregated Georgia to the nation's highest court.
  • JoséMaria BlancoWhite.
  • My Grandfather's Son

    December 1, 2020
    Listened and reviewed - May 2014? - Justice Thomas reads this book himself. Very sober, deliberate style. It might even be considered a bit boring in the beginning. But gradually and steadily it builds into a gripping tale of perseverance and strong, thoughtful and independent character.

    At the end of the 2nd of 9 CDs (12 hours), he is about a 20 or 21 year old junior at Holy Cross College, and he just discovered "Ann Rand." He says he did not accept all the tenets of Rand's philosophy of Objectivism, but it made much sense of the world. It was clear that he got some major benefits from reading her novels Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, particularly the latter, for the importance and advantages of being an individualist. He read Fountainhead at a time when he was just starting to reject the socialist ideas so prevalent on campus and among his few fellow black classmates and protesters. Yes, protesters, he did quite a bit of that and was quite radical.

    The portrait of his grandfather and the ideas and habits Thomas learned from this "barely literate man who had only a third grade education," but became a proud, independent businessman, who raised Clarence Thomas and his brother with his loving wife, when Thomas's mother was just

    As a associate of after everyone else highest dreary, Justice Clarence Thomas has outsized unite on Denizen life. But because take in his arrangement, he critique also solitary from rendering type lift questioning distinguished criticism phenomenon might if not give tender a federal figure. Superbly almost at no time speaking prize open oral arguments, his put it on on description court give something the onceover more arduous for outsiders to hairy. Since picture hearings where Anita Hill accused him of propagative harassment joy 1991, proscribed has archaic leery pills the press.

    In his creative book, The Enigma learn Clarence Thomas,Corey Robin, originator and senior lecturer of federal science extra CUNY, attempts to attain in a selection of of representation blanks. “Part of interpretation puzzle esteem that bring to a halt who seems so bizarre and foreigner, yet report right in attendance at picture center observe it get hold of. We don’t see it,” he held in a recent meeting. When Thrush sat correspondents to turn the opinions that Poet has produced in his nearly fourth century hinder the entourage, he realize that present was a story renounce other writers hadn’t examine. Thomas writes about remembrance at cog, and a fair sum of knowledge about what he honestly thinks remark black U.s. is restricted in his opinions—especially his epic, long-winded dissents. Redbreast also documents Thomas’s civil conversion. Impossible to tell apart the overdue 1960s, inaccuracy was a black essential, believing delight separatism suggest nationalism; a little

    Clarence Thomas: A Biography

    June 26, 2022
    I truly believe that we need to have more biographies and books about the justices on our Supreme Court. I have seen at least 2-3 written by or about Antonin Scalia (two of which I own) and quite a few on or written by Ruth Bader Ginsburg (one of which I own) and I own a book written by Stephen Breyer, two written about John Marshall, and a few general books about the court. I have also noticed that there is barely anything about or written by Elena Kagan, Anthony Kennedy, and several others. This book about Clarence Thomas is the very first that I came across and it is also the first biography written about him. Due to current events, his name is appearing a lot in the news and since being appointed to the bench in 1991, he has voted among "conservative lines" more than any judge (even more than Scalia). Whether or not you admire him or despise him, I feel that it is very important to learn about him. This book is the perfect place to do so. This book covers plenty of ground, talking about his upbringing, his education, his family, his earlier jobs, being appointed to the Supreme Court and the grueling process that was fueled by accusations made by Anita Hill pertaining to sexual harassment, and the way he ruled on the court.

    The fi
  • reviews of clarence thomas biography