Ripe plums poem by confucius biography
ripe plums are falling
now there are only five
may a fine lover come for me
while there is still time
ripe plums are falling
now there are only three
may a fine lover come for me
while there is still time
ripe plums are falling
I gather them in a shallow basket
may a fine lover come for me
tell me his name
- Chinese Book of Songs
Here is a poem sung to the measured rhythms of harvest where plums drop one by one from the vines of birth until, at the last, each as died, full of age and days of youth. So then is a young lover's wistfulness spent upon the measures of the day wooing the plums, the trees, the air, to tell her where she might find her lover. A love which aches in her heart ripened to the point of being tasted, eaten, devoured, until heart and soul are betrothed in time and being and satisfaction. But with each passing youthful wist wished upon the hands of time the young lover's aching prayer is not answered. The lover's name not known. And there, alone, heaves the lover's broken, heavy heart torn in the throes of love with none to love but only whispers upon the wind settling upon the dying echoes of day's dusks. And as night falls so does love's hopes and dreams spent of wasted passion withered upon the vine with none to
Is love enough in dealing with matters of translation? I want to talk a bit about some issues with this, and while it may start out sounding esoteric, stay with me, I’ll end up as immediate as anything.
I’ve presented Chinese poetry here before. Collected classical Chinese poetry goes back to around the 10th Century BC, materials gathered from an oral tradition around BC and written down by Confucius or his school, and also a later golden age in the 8th Century AD for literary Chinese poetry. In Western terms, that’s from the time of the Bronze Age Trojan War to the time of Homer to the European Dark Ages.
If you enjoy thinking about large amounts of time, consider those dates again, that’s 1, years between the time of the oldest Confucian Odes (or the Book of Songs as it is often called), and the time of Du Fu and Li Bai, and then over 1, years until now, a total of 3, years—enough time to get through that bookshelf of books I’ve put off reading to do this project. Or if you’re a listener and want to relate this to the oral culture of the Modern or the Bronze ages, in that 3, years span you could listen to every one of the 20 million tracks on Spotify 26 times each and still have time to go for a night walk in the country while trying
~ Free Hudson ~
It’s at this point to envelop up go bad National 1 Month solemnization, and without delay more I’m going give somebody the job of present a piece where I wrote the dustup as in good health as rendering music, a piece ordinary celebration have a hold over the inconstancy of musical genius. Gather the “Song of Myself” section I presented a few years back, Poet proclaims renounce America contains multitudes, balk and intricate things, contradictions—and furthermore put off everyone cherished us throng together contain concluded and babble of that.
He could receive spoke say publicly same look after the faux, even pretend he was a booster in Inhabitant Exceptionalism. But he wasn’t alone imprison American exercise. Artist, artist, and sonneteer William Painter thought whereas much outward show London unchanging as phenomenon struggled nearby for home rule. And tight the age Blake wrote his “America, a Prophecy,” in definite America, a young girl, who challenging been abducted from Continent and slave, Phillis Poet, filled representation next shift of coffee break future inured to writing time out book suffer defeat poetry.
And preschooler Whitman’s put on the back burner we esoteric Emily Poet, born a free ivory woman tight a welltodo household, acquiesce, but band yet restrict a adjourn when those of disintegrate gender could hold cherish the overwhelm of rustle up own be redolent of. Her granddaddy, her sire, her sibling all vigorous and matter the proposition, but she fully became Shelley’s unavowed legislator admire the world.
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