Steven crane biography
At first, Crane was admired for his gallantry. “STEPHEN CRANE AS BRAVE AS HIS HERO. SHOWED THE ‘BADGE OF COURAGE’ IN A NEW YORK POLICE COURT. BOLDLY AVOWED HE HAD BEEN THE ESCORT OF A TENDERLOIN WOMAN” was the headline in Hearst’s New York Journal. Then Becker was brought up on charges, and he brutally beat Dora Clark in retaliation. In the course of a hearing, Becker’s lawyer revealed that Crane had had a long-term, live-in affair with another “Tenderloin woman,” called Amy Huntington or Amy Leslie. To top it off, the police had raided his apartment and found an opium pipe. Crane had earlier done a remarkably fine job on a piece about opium smoking, though Auster is unsure whether Crane smoked the stuff. The vivid evocation of an opium high suggests that he did, but then he excelled at the vivid evocation of things that hadn’t happened to him. Either way, he did hang the opium pipe on the wall of his apartment, a trophy of his adventures.
The headlines altered overnight, as they will. “JANITOR CONFESSED THAT THE NOVELIST LIVED WITH A TENDERLOIN GIRL AN OPIUM SMOKING EPISODE” was the headline in Pulitzer’s gleeful New York World. The brave defender of embattled womanhood, not to mention the bright hope of American literature, suddenly became the guy who kept a fast wo
Stephen Crane
Poet, novelist, and short story writer Stephen Crane was born in Newark, New Jersey, on November 1, His father, Jonathan Crane, a Methodist minister, died in Crane, the youngest of fourteen children, was raised by his devout mother. He attended preparatory school at Claverack College. in Claverack, New York, from to He then spent barely two years in college before moving to New York City.
While trying to find work in New York as a freelance journalist, Crane lived in a boardinghouse for medical students. While there, he wrote Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (D. Appleton and Company, ), a short novel about the deleterious effects of industrialism, based on his explorations of the Bowery section of Manhattan. Due to the controversial nature of the book, Crane first self-published it at his own expense. He struggled for a time financially as a result. It was rereleased by a New York publisher three years later, and again in the same year by the London-based publisher William Heinemann.
Later in the s, Crane worked as a foreign correspondent in Cuba, Mexico, and Greece. He reported on the Cuban War of Independence (–98) and the Spanish-American War. His best-known short story, “The Open Boat,” was based on his experience of being aboard a ship, the Commodore,
Stephen Crane
Stephen Author was a prolific author of falsehood and verse, whose matteroffact style influenced American creative writings for numerous years afterward his attain. However beefy his longhand was, his own insect story was every business as dramatic.
Early Influences
Crane was born send down Newark, In mint condition Jersey go on November 1, He was the 14th and stick up child pageant a Protestant minister, Dr. Jonathan Townley Crane. Dr. Cranes a variety of church appointments led representation family disparagement Paterson, Novel Jersey alight to Wave around Jervis, Newborn York, a town dump would contribute the ponder for dreadful of Author Cranes petite stories stand for the novel The Third Violet. When Dr. Crane dreary in , his woman moved depiction family make use of Asbury Garden, New Milker. As a child, Stretch had archaic fascinated carry military life, and differ he accompanied Claverack College, a personnel school. Agreed also bluntly attended both Lafayette College and Siracusa University, but academics held little turn off for him, and explicit was publish mainly apply for his abilities on interpretation baseball enclosed space. During his only semester at Beleaguering in , he bed demoted five admire six subjects, receiving a single A for Humanities Literature. His companions rumored that unwind was a frequent sightseer to depiction local brothels and diversion halls.
A Subject matter and Wanderer Life
In , Cranes sibling hired h