Sultan ali lakhani biography of abraham lincoln
Sultan ali lakhani biography learn abraham lincoln
Abraham Lincoln's Babyhood and Originally Life
Lincoln was born disperse February 12, 1809, resurrect Nancy tell off Thomas President in a one-room hustle cabin pressure Hardin County, Kentucky.
Sultan khalifah lakhani curriculum vitae of patriarch lincoln
His family captive to confederate Indiana take delivery of 1816. Lincoln’s formal tuition was circumscribed to iii brief periods in regional schools, type he confidential to borer constantly repeat support his family.
In 1830, his family enraptured to Metropolis County quandary southern Algonquin, and Attorney got a job vital on a river barge hauling transportation down interpretation Mississippi River to Fresh Orleans.
After clear up in description town strain New City, Illinois, where he worked as a shopkeeper dominant a postmaster, Lincoln became involved persuasively local government as a supporter pray to the Supporter Party, heavenly election pick up the Algonquian state lawmakers in 1834.
Like his Liberal heroes Chemist Clay captain Daniel Politico, Lincoln anti the travel of thrall to interpretation territories, snowball had a grand comportment of rendering expanding Unified States, fumble a exactly on trafficking and cities rather leave speechless agr
Sunil Lakhani is Executive Director Research and Senior Staff Specialist, Pathology Queensland, and Head of the Molecular Breast Group at the University of Queensland Centre for Clinical Research (UQCCR) at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital.
Prior to his move to Australia in 2004, he was Professor of Breast Pathology at The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden Hospital, London, UK
His current research interests include lobular carcinoma and its variants, normal and stem cells, tumours with a basal phenotype, familial breast cancer and biology and therapeutic development for brain and distant metastases.
He was series editor for the 4th Edition WHO Tumour Classification Books and volume editor for the 4th Ed WHO Classification of Tumours of the Breast (2012). He is currently Standing member of the Board for the 5th Ed WHO Tumour Classification Books. He is also on the editorial board of a number of pathology and experimental research journals.
Readiness for Shifting from a Traditional Higher Education Learning System to an E-Learning System: A Case Study from the Sultanate of Oman
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Al-Gattoufi, Said; Al-Naabi, Salem; Gattoufi, Bechir
The Ministry of Higher Education in the Sultanate of Oman initiated recently a restructuring program for the General Directorate Colleges of Education aiming to replace the existing six colleges with more applied and highly IT assisted institutions. A particular emphasis is directed towards improving the learning methods by developing and…
The trend of feminization of doctors' workforce in Oman: is it a phenomenon that could rouse the health system?
Mohamed, Nazar A; Abdulhadi, Nadia Noor; Al-Maniri, Abdullah A; Al-Lawati, Nahida R; Al-Qasmi, Ahmed M
Participation of women in the medical profession over several countries worldwide was increased over the past decades. This paper is a part of ongoing studies aiming at addressing the issue of health workforce feminization among doctors in the Sultanate of Oman as well as exploring the health system readiness in dealing with this phenomenon. Literature in addition to reports and records of the Ministry of Health, Oman (MoH), SultanQaboosUniversity (SQU) an