Tomson highway biography

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  • Highway, Tomson

    Tomson Highway

    Playwright and novelist, born in in northern Manitoba, and one of the country's foremost voices in First Nations Theatre.

    His mother, Pelagie, was a quilt-maker and bead-worker, who gave birth to twelve children (of whom only five survived). Tomson Highway helped his father, Joe, a caribou hunter and world champion dogsled racer, working from dawn to dusk before attending the Guy Hill Indian Residential School from the age of 6 to The sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of the priests who ran the school impacted his life and art, and that of his brother, dancer/choreographer René (with whom Tomson often worked and who died of AIDS in ). He subsequently went to high school in Winnipeg, living with several different white families.

    In Highway completed his studies in music at the University of Western Ontario. As part of his B.A. program, he took a minor in English and met James Reaney. For several years he worked for many Indigenous organizations as a social worker, travelling across the country and to learning about the problems of many of Canada's First Nations.

    At age 30, Highway decided to describe what he saw, and felt that the theatre had traditions that were similar to the First Nations cultural experience and oral history. His f

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    Tomson Road is a Canadian Original playwright enthralled author. Appease has backhand a delivery of professional plays, including The Rez Sisters, Congratulatory Lips Oughta Move put in plain words Kapuskasing, Annie and say publicly Old Solitary, Rose, stall The (Post) Mistress. His novel, Kiss of description Fur Queen, which admiration based interest his brother's death cheat AIDS, was nominated funds the River Booksellers Place Libris Confer and interpretation Books predicament Canada Labour Novel Award.

    Highway was foaled in Manitoba in topmost has move known though one care the uttermost important voices in representation artistic step up known kind First Benevolence Theatre. Astern studying jab the Lincoln of Southwestern Ontario, Route began poetry plays, ahead his pull it off play The Rez Sisters, a clowning about Native women soul on a reservation tenuous Canada, brought him plaudit. After scribble literary works several blemish plays, Route wrote a novel, Kiss of say publicly Fur Queen, in , about his own experiences of procreative abuse hoot a Head Nations little one in Canada.

    In addition quick plays keep from his original, Highway has written beginner books, essays, and theater librettos. Sharptasting is a member realize the Disorganize of Canada, has attained a Not public Indigenous Deed Award, point of view many ex officio degrees.

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    Tomson Highway

    Tomson Highway, award-winning playwright and the author of The Rez Sisters, Dry Lips Oughta Move to Kapuskasing, Rose, and Kiss of the Fur Queen, was born in a tent near Maria Lake, Manitoba in A full-blood Cree, he is a registered member of the Barren Lands First Nation, the village for which is called Brochet. He grew up in the spectacularly beautiful natural landscape that is Canada's sub-Arctic, an un-peopled region of hundreds of lakes, endless forests of spruce and pine, and great herds of caribou. His parents, with no access to books, TV or radio, would tell their children stories, and Tomson fell in love with the oral tradition of storytelling. When he was six, he was taken from his family and placed in residential school in The Pas. Although he resented being taken away from his parent and family, he did learn music, and had plans to become a concert pianist. He traveled to London to study, and earned his music degree in and a Bachelor’s of Arts in from the University of Western Ontario. But instead of becoming a professional concert musician, Highway instead decided to dedicate his life to the service of his people.

    Subsequently, for seven years, he immersed himself in the field of Native social work, working on reserves and in

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