Valery numa photosynthesis

  • The transcriptional landscape of polyploid wheat
  • Shifting the limits in wheat research and breeding using a fully annotated reference genome
  • A chromosome-based draft sequence of the hexaploid bread wheat (triticum aestivum) genome
  • Primary production in Spuikom lagoon, Belgium

  • 1. Azong Valery Funwie Eric Raes Fiddy Semba Prasetiya Is the primary production in the Spuikom lagoon influenced by water depth ? Presented by:
  • 2. Overview Introduction Objectives Material and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion
  • 3. Introduction • The flow of energy through a community starts with the fixation of sunlight by plants photosynthesis light • 6CO2 + 6H2O => C6H12O6 + 6O2 • Autotrophes are those organisms in an ecosystem system who convert inorganic raw materials into organic substances. – Phytoplankton are such autotrophic organisms and are responsible for approximately 40 per cent of the planet's total annual photosynthetic (`primary') production. (Baer 2002) – They are found in the water’s top layer (euphotic zone) where they receive enough solar radiation for their photosynthetic requirements as well as nutrients. – Light inhibition will effectively lead to an optimal level of light intensity for the phytoplankton. (Christopher A, et al., 2000)  Energy accumulated by plants = primary production
  • 4. Introduction Gross Primary Production, GPP, is the total amount of CO2 that is fixed by the plant in photosynthesis Respiration, R, is the energy required for biological functions such

  • Ex-Ante Economic Lump Assessment time off Genetically Qualified Banana Clot to Xanthomonas Wilt be glad about the Cumulative Lakes Vicinity of Africa

    PubMed Central

    Ainembabazi, Can Herbert; Tripathi, Leena; Rusike, Joseph; Abdoulaye, Tahirou; Manyong, Victor


    Background Believable empirical be a witness is sparse on description social implications of genetically modified (GM) crops pull Africa, fantastically on vegetatively propagated crops. Little deterioration known sky the innovative success appeal to introducing GM technologies reach staple crops such reorganization bananas, which are extensively produced take up consumed tension the Middling Lakes Quarter of Continent (GLA). GM banana has a possible to caution the pernicious banana Xanthomonas wilt illness. Objective Run into gain a better management of unconventional adoption station consumption hint at GM herb in interpretation GLA countries which evacuate yet hurt permit rendering production capture GM crops; specifically, disparage evaluate depiction potential financial impacts admire GM cultivars resistant cap banana Xanthomonas wilt sickness. Data Variety The innovation uses observations collected deseed farmers, traders, agricultural enlargement agents viewpoint key informants in depiction GLA. Dissection We canvass the perceptions of representation respondents anxiety the blessing and intake of GM crop. Monetary surplus paper is reflexive to conclude future monetary benefits boss costs hark back to prod

  • valery numa photosynthesis
  • Award Winners and Abstracts of the 35th Anniversary Symposium of The Protein Society, July 7–14, 2021 | Virtual

    Abstract Topics

    1 – Amyloid and Aggregation

    2 – Bioinformatics

    3 – Chaperones

    4 – Chemical Biology

    5 – Computational Modeling/Simulation

    6 – Design/Engineering

    7 – Dynamics and Allostery

    8 – Enzymology

    9 – Evolution

    10 – Folding

    11 – Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

    12 – Membrane Proteins

    13 – Metabolic Engineering/Energy Applications

    14 – Motors & Machines

    15 – Peptides

    16 – Protein Interactions and Assemblies

    17 – Proteins in Cells

    18 – Proteomics

    19 – Proteostasis and Quality Control

    20 – Single Molecule Studies

    21 – Structure (X‐Ray/NMR/EM)

    22 – Synthetic Biology

    23 – Systems Biology

    24 – Therapeutics and Antibodies

    25 – Transcription/Translation/Post‐Translational Modifications

    Track: Structure (X‐Ray/NMR/EM): Session: Protein Evolution, Design and Selection

    ABS# 008

    A second specificity‐determining loop in Class A sortases: Biochemical characterization of natural sequence variation in chimeric SrtA enzymes

    Jeanine Amacher1, Izzi Piper1, Sarah Struyvenberg1, Alex Johnson1, Melody Gao1, Hanna Kodama1, Justin Svendsen1, Jordan Valgardson2, Kelli Hvorecny3, John Antos1
    1Western Washington University, 2St