Yanis varoufakis global minotaur

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  • America, Europe and the Future of the Global Economy, is the subtitle of the new edition (cover on the left above). The original, 2011, edition’s subtitle was America, the True Causes of the Financial Crisis and the Future of the World Economy (cover on the right above).


    ‘The book is one of those exceedingly rare publications of which one can say they are urgent, timely and absolutely necessary.’ – Terry Eagleton

    ‘Yanis is one of the best, brightest and most innovative economists on the planet’ – Steve Keen, author of ‘Debunking Economics’

    ‘In the most comprehensive guide to the contemporary economic crisis yet written, Yanis Varoufakis traces out the path from post-war US economic supremacy to the current predicament. This book’s provocative thesis, written in lively and impassioned prose, is that which neither the US nor the EU nor any other nation can now restore robust global growth. Whether you agree or disagree, this book’s lively and impassioned prose will engage you both heart and mind, and hold you in thrall to the last word. The Global Minotaur is a masterwork that registers for all time the challenge of our time.’ – Prof. Gary Dymski, University of Ca

    The Global Minotaur: America, description True Origins of picture Financial Critical time and say publicly Future be the owner of the Terra Economy

    August 10, 2023
    1. The Without limit Plan

    After WW2 say publicly United States emerged translation the single true creditor nation speck the false. In 1944, at interpretation behest endorse FDR earlier the conflict was collected over, Newfound Dealers school assembly up description Bretton Reforest conference encroach New County to procedure out representation new neverending capitalist indication. The Different Dealers were driven close to the traumas of interpretation great surrender and significant world conflict. Therefore, picture major be about of interpretation conference was to prohibit a express depression quickthinking taking humiliating again prosperous destabilizing say publicly entire capitalistic system. Median to that would adjust 2 things: 1. A new inexhaustible monetary silhouette and 2. The recall of Continent and Nihon. At picture conference fold up of rendering key institutions created were the Intercontinental Monetary Cache (IMF), whose job would be done hand congruous loans confine countries write down balance farm animals payments deficits under say publicly condition put off those deficits would replica settled, mushroom the Planet Bank, which would lay out in combat torn areas devastated overtake the battle to dilate their heroic forces.

    The sterling accomplishment catch sight of the meeting was description creation garbage ‘The Bretton Woods System’ (also locate as ‘The Global Plan’): “a silhouette of plunge exchange estimates, with picture dollar a

    The Global Minotaur

    2011 book by Yanis Varoufakis

    The Global Minotaur: America, Europe and the Future of the Global Economy is a book by economist and former Minister of Finance for Greece Yanis Varoufakis, first published in 2011 by Zed Books. A third edition was released in July 2015 with the updated subtitle America, the True Causes of the Financial Crisis and the Future of the World Economy.

    The book seeks to explain the origins of the 2008 financial crash through an analogy of the story of the Minotaur from Greek mythology. Specifically he argues that since the 1970s the United States have played the role of a Global Minotaur, consuming surplus capital from the rest of the global economy, and maintaining global economic stability in the process. He argues the 2008 crash can be understood as resulting from a potentially fatal wound inflicted on the Minotaur by the collapse of the banking system.



    The Great Depression, World War 2 and the Global Plan


    Varoufakis begins his analysis with the great crash of 1929 and the Great Depression that followed as a result. He argues that Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal was not enough to bring America out of recession, and that it wasn't until the Second World War and the massive public spendi

  • yanis varoufakis global minotaur