Ara parseghian biography of abraham
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Speaker: Rev. Vivian McCarthy, Pastor
Series: The God Story
Category: God's Relationship with You
Keywords:disbelief, god story, rudy, rising action
Join us this week as we continue The God Story with the next chapter on learning to suspend our disbelief.
Rudy Ruettiger was the son of a man who just didn’t think Rudy had much of a future – and he told him so again and again. Rudy could have been a kid who believed that “truth.” Let’s go back to the early part of his story and see how things happened for Rudy. The movie is entitled Rudy, and this scene takes place in the plant where Rudy has a job.
Play the clip Having Dreams
Rudy’s friend Pete held Rudy’s dreams and wouldn’t let him give up. Both of their families had always worked at the factory, and Rudy’s family continually told him that the factory was his future. It was no use to look beyond what they knew. Rudy’s family did not believe in potential – his or their own.
I want to get you all engaged in the story today. So, take out your phones or grab a Tweet card from the pew rack, and send us a Tweet about your dreams.
What dream have you had that you thought was out of the realm of po
Repeat After Me
Aug 28, 2013
By Lou Somogyi, Blue & Gold Illustrated
The 2013 football season at Notre Dame also marks the 40th anniversary of former head coach Ara Parseghian’s 1973 national championship team and the 25th of former head coach Lou Holtz’s No. 1 unit.
There have been nine other consensus national champions at Notre Dame — and just as many near misses — but no two football teams in Fighting Irish lore are so intertwined or remarkably linked than those two. An argument can be made that no two champions ever in college football had such eerie parallels the year prior and then during their respective marches to the national championship.
Their backgrounds begin with humiliation to provide inspiration, position changes, freshmen impact, a seemingly invincible nemesis that was finally vanquished, and statistical replication, among many other factors.
It reminds one of the symmetry/coincidence of the United States presidencies of Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy that have taken on a life of their own in American lore:
Lincoln was first elected into Congress in 1846, while Kennedy’s debut in Congress occurred 100 years later in 1946.
Lincoln was elected president in 1860; Kennedy 100 years later in 1960. Both were a