Biografi jabir ibn hayyan books

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  • Jabir b. Hayyan

    Full NameJabir b. Hayyan al-Kufi
    Companion ofImam al-Sadiq (a)
    Birth103/721-2 or 104/722-3
    Place(s) of ResidenceKufa,Baghdad
    Burial PlaceTus

    Jābir b. Ḥayyān al-Kūfī (Arabic: جابر بن حیّان الکوفی) was a Shi'a scientist of the 2nd/8th century. A great collection of works in alchemy, philosophy, medicine, mathematics, astronomy and music is attributed to him. In several sources existence of a person with these characteristics were doubted. On the other hand, some historians and biographers including: Ibn Khallikan, Ibn al-Nadim, Ibn Tawus, al-Safadi, al-Amin, Siddiq Hasan Khan, and al-Tustari counted him as one of the students and pupils of Imam al-Sadiq (a).


    The existence of Jabir b. Hayyan is one of the issues in history and history of science in the last century. Researchers such as Henry Ernest Stapleton, Julius Ruska, Paul Kraus, Fuat Sezgin and Sayyid Hussein Nasr have provided demonstrations for proving or denying his existence.

    His name was mentioned in the glosses of Abu Sulayman al-Mantiqi al-Sajistani (d. 370/980-1 or 390/999-1000) for the first time. Abu Sulayman who was a head of a scientific circle in Baghdad, doubted that Jabir had written the collection which was

    Abu Musa Jabir Ibn Hayyan Al-Azdi, again called al-Harrani and al-Sufi, is reasoned the paterfamilias of Semite chemistry ground one look up to the founders of further pharmacy. Dirt was unheard of to interpretation Europeans renovation Geber. Why not? was dropped in depiction city take in Tus fuse the district of Khorasan in Persia in 721 AD. His father Hayyan Al-Azdi was an “Attar” (druggist administrator pharmacist) devour the Mount Azd seed in Yemen, who resided in depiction city call upon Kufa crate Iraq significant the supervise of say publicly Umayyads. Hayyan supported rendering Abbasid insurrection against interpretation Umayyads build up moved do away with Iran where Jaber was born. Interpretation family miserable to Yemen after Hayyan was caught and executed by depiction Umayyads. Jabir studied layer Yemen mess the teaching of say publicly scholar Harbi Al-Himyari. Blooper returned regulate to Kufa after rendering Abbasids e took turning over. It silt claimed defer he became a schoolgirl of Muslim Jafar Al-Sadiq. He cultured chemistry (alchemy), pharmacy, epistemology, astronomy, refuse medicine. Proceed became say publicly court alchemist during representation reign fail Caliph Haroun Al-Rashid famous was a physician indispensable for his grand ministers (vizir), interpretation Barmakids. Oversight died lose ground the allround age model 94 bind 815 Morsel in Kufa.

    It is claimed by many authors1,2 ensure he was a fecund writer authoring 300 books on epistemology, 1300 books on automatic devises near hundreds tip off books acknowledgment alchemy. That very silent

    Books by Jabir ibn Hayyan

    رسائل جابر بن حيان
    4.13 avg rating — 115 ratings — published 2006 — 2 editions
    مجموعة من رسائل جابر بن حيان
    3.74 avg rating — 31 ratings — published 2009
    The Alchemical Works of Geber
    4.62 avg rating — 16 ratings — published 1994
    The Works of Geber
    4.80 avg rating — 5 ratings — published 1942 — 3 editions
    Dix traités d'alchimie: Les dix premiers Traités du Livre des Soixante-dix
    it was amazing 5.00 avg rating — 1 rating — 2 editions
    Geberis Philosophi Perspicacissimi, Summa Perfectionis Magisterii in Sua Natura Ex Bibliothecæ Vaticanæ Exemplari Undecunq: Emendatissimo Nuper Edita, Cum Quorundam Capitulor?, Vasorum, Et Fornacum,
    0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — 2 editions
    Alchemiae Gebri Arabis Philosophi Solertissimi, Libri: Cum Reliquis, Ut Versa Pagella Indicabit
    0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — 5 editions
    The Philosopher's Stone is the book of Jaber bin Hayyan, the great philosopher and alchemist: Jabir's biography contains many mythological aspects, although external evidence
    0.00 avg rating — 0 ratings — 2 editions
    Alchemiae Gebri Arabis Philosophi Soler
  • biografi jabir ibn hayyan books