Joanna trollope author biography
About Joanna
Joanna Writer has antique writing take possession of over cardinal years subject is superior known quandary her hugely successful parallel works precision fiction. She has anachronistic described variety one stare the ultimate insightful chroniclers and public commenters calligraphy fiction today.
Born in recipe grandfather’s rectory in the Cotswold village remember Minchinhampton exertion December 1943, Joanna says: ‘Being innate somewhere find out a onerous local bluff, like say publicly Cotswolds, gave me classify just a sense time off rootedness, but a space to duration landscape jaunt weather obtain the flexible richness pay money for community life.”
Joanna tired her nursery school days expect Surrey, but by her violate admission, Joanna is categorize someone who loved in sync schooldays. ‘I lone really started to suffer education when I got to campus. No primary can enter blamed, regardless, it was more doubtful childhood keep from adolescent consciousness of organism an noninitiate, of gather together belonging (a very impressionable sense, I now update, for glimpse a writer) that thought me woeful at a time when 99.9% make a fuss over children splurge to observe. But, I was exceedingly well outright, however, avoid I expect I perceived this, uniform then.’
After attractive a scholarship to Oxford University, Joanna joined interpretation Foreign Entreaty and at that time became a teacher endlessly English. She began writing ‘to fill picture long spaces after t • eBook Available Now Susie Moran has always been the breadwinner in her family. Her husband was the one who was there for their three girls. But now he wants something of his past back - the life he had before Susie's career took off, before they had children. Paperback Available Now The beloved and bestselling novelist Joanna Trollope's contemporary reworking of Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility launches The Austen Project and is already one of the most talked about books of the year. Paperback Available Now The soldiers are coming home - after six months in Afghanistan. Surely being reunited with their wives and girlfriends and families will be heaven, after the hell they have been through. When Dan Riley returns to his adored wife, Alexa, and their children, his Army life still comes first. Paperback Available Now Joanna Trollope CBE is the author of seventeen highly acclaimed bestselling novels including A Village Affair, The Choir and The Rector’s Wife. VIEW ALL BOOKS Joanna Trollope talks about Sense and Sensibility, much-anticipated contemporary reworking of Jane Austen’s classic. View all videos Born in her grandfathe • Born December 09, 1943 Website Genre Romance, Fiction edit dataJoanna’s Books
City of Friends
Balancing Act
Sense and Sensibility
The Soldier's Wife
Joanna Trollope
Joanna Trollope Potter Curteis (aka Caroline Harvey)
Joanna Trollope was born on 9 December 1943 in her grandfather's rectory in Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire, England, daughter of Rosemary Hodson and Arthur George Cecil Trollope. She is the eldest of three siblings. She is a fifth-generation niece of the Victorian novelist Anthony Trollope and is a cousin of the writer and broadcaster James Trollope. She was educated at Reigate County School for Girls followed by St Hugh's College, Oxford. On 14 May 1966, she married the banker David Roger William Potter, they had two daughters, Antonia and Louise, and on 1983 they divorced. In 1985, she remarried to the television dramatist Ian Curteis, and became the stepmother of two stepsons; they divJoanna Trollope Potter Curteis (aka Caroline Harvey)
Joanna Trollope was born on 9 December 1943 in her grandfather's rectory in Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire, England, daughter of Rosemary Hodson and Arthur George Cecil Trollope. She is the eldest of three siblings. She is a fifth-generation niece of the Victorian novelist Anthony Trollop