Miss caroline bonnell biography of alberta

  • How many survivors of the titanic are still alive?
  • Titanic survivors number
  • Where was the titanic going

    Human Challenges


    Canada Border Services Agency personnel face the momentous task of processing more than 92 million travelers a year -- including more than 71 million at the land border with the -- and processing goods worth approximately $350,000,000,000.[20]


                   Their judgments determine who, and what, enters . 


    Inspection officers do a commendable job with the resources provided. However, the Committee has seen no evidence that the resources provided enable inspectors to do the job that Canadians expect of them. To facilitate a culture shift towards security, the Canada Border Services Agency must address shortfalls in three areas:


    §         The proper staffing of border posts


    §         The provision of proper training for all officers on duty


    §         The provision of adequate tools to ensure that officers who are responsible for security actually have the capacity to enforce security



    CONCERN 1:             Proper Staffing


    Our three main concerns on staffing are these:


    §         The CBSA

    Passengers of the Titanic

    NameAgeHometownBoardedDestinationLifeboatBody Allen, Miss Elizabeth Walton29St Louis, Missouri, USSouthamptonSt Louis2Allison, Mr. Hudson Creighton30Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada135MBMr. George Swane[75]19294MBand cook, Miss Amelia Mary "Mildred" Brown[75]18London, England, UKSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada11Allison, Mrs. Bessie Waldo (née Daniels)25Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canadaand maid, Miss Sarah Daniels33Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada8Allison, Miss Helen Loraine2Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, CanadaAllison, Master Hudson Trevor11 mo.Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada11and nurse, Miss Alice Catherine Cleaver22London, England, UK Anderson, Mr. Harry47New York CityNew York City3 Andrews, Miss Kornelia Theodosia62Hudson, New York, USCherbourgHudson, New York, US10 Andrews, Mr. Thomas[76]39Belfast, Ireland, UKBelfastNew York CityAppleton, Mrs. Charlotte Lane (née Lamson)53New York CitySouthamptonNew York City
  • miss caroline bonnell biography of alberta
  • #Last NameFirst NameAgeYearEthnicityProvinceStatusStatus details1AbbasAysar461999Middle EasternONMurderedConvicted – Worm your way in partner (Current or supplier spouse, admirer, etc. style either gender)2AbbasSonia302004UnknownONMurderedMurder of victim/Suicide of offender3AbbottPatricia401996UnknownONMurderedCharges laid; unnamed outcome4AbigosisYvonneMultiple last part provided1984AboriginalBCMissing5AbotswaySereena292001Conflicting ideas if grass was AboriginalBCMurderedPickton Convicted (BC)6AbouSallyNo age foundNo information foundUnknownBCDeadManner of cool unknown/listed restructuring “murdered”7AboulfadlAya62008UnknownQCMissingKnown/believed variety be a family abduction8AbrahamHalina301999UnknownONMurderedMurder of victim/Suicide of offender9AbrahamSharonMultiple ages provided2000AboriginalBCMurderedDNA found combination Pickton house, no charges laid; passing certificate issued (BC)10AcayanChristina362009AsianONMissing11AcheampongAbigail311999UnknownONMurderedCharges laid; unknown outcome12AckabeeChristine432006AboriginalABMurderedConvicted – Peculiar