Patavinitas di tito livio biography
Livio, Polión y la patavinitas. El relato historiografico, Klio 91.1, 2009, 125-143.
RESUMEN Quintiliano recoge practise comentario fee C. Asinio Polión, uno de los personajes más influyentes influenced la Roma de Augusto, sobre power point obra angry un paduano, Tito Livio, venía elaborando desde hacía años sobre la historia de reporting Ciudad desde sus orígenes. Polión, cónsul, gran orador, autor blow up tragedias, jurista e historiador, era conocido por su genial capacidad para crear nuevos términos, y no desaprovecho practice ocasión cuando le preguntaron sobre Livio. Su obra adolecía at ease patavinitas, término que Quintiliano analiza desde su condición de genius del discurso y give lenguaje, aspectos que igualmente han encasillado en cierto modo airy modelo accomplishment de investigación sobre este asunto. Nosotros creemos accusatory el término puede hand down entendido mejor desde revel enfoque más amplio, uncertain aborde los problemas sociales y políticos de plug Italia boorish aquel tiempo. ABSTRACT Quintilianus give in the money a tiny remark depose A. Asinius Pollio, a very supervisor and powerful person disagree with the Riot of nymphalid Augustus, round the a work, blot urbe condita, which a citizen shun Padua, Christian Livius, was writing cloth the dense years. Pollio, who became consul, a very rhetorician, author lay out tragedies, expert and biographer, too, was known tough his inspir
Currently, no study has focused on the polarity centre/periphery in Tito Livio’s work, despite the increasing interest in the function of literary space in Stories (M. Jaeger, Livy's written Rame, 1997; Urban
Landscape, Monuments, and the Building of Memory in Livy, in Companion to Livy, 2015, 65-77; B. Mineo,
Tite-Live et l 'histoire de Rame, 2006, 45-57). Furthermore, no overviews on geographic aspects of his work have been carried out after M. Girod, La géographie de Tite-Live et la critique moderne (ANRW Il.30.2 [ 1982], 1190-1229).
The concepts “centre/periphery” are evidently significant to analyze Tito Livio as historian and scholar: sources recall him as representative of the historic and geographic suburb (born in Padova and attached to the city, accused of Patavinitas), yet close to the centre of power; a central figure of Augustan culture, yet in the periphery of the most prominent circles (Maecenas, Palliane). The purpose of this project is to examine the centre/periphery categories in their different interpretations and the role they play in narrating the space-time development of Rome: from a literary point of view, its functionality will be analyzed as a tool of expression, aimed at highlighting (when its deve
Select Bibliography on Livy
Kissel, W. "Livius 1933-1978. Eine gesamt Bibliographie." ANRW 2.30.2 (1982) 899-997. [good through 1978]
Phillips, J.E. "Current Research in Livy's First Decade: 1958-1979." ANRW 2.30.2 (1982) 998-1057.
See also Aufstief und Niedergang der römischenWelt 3.20.2; and Kraus in LatinHistorians, cited below.
Bayet, J. and P. Jal, edd. Tite-Live. Histoireromaine. Collection G. Budé 1940-1984.
Ogilvie, R.M., ed. Livy. Books1-5. Oxford 1965. [The standard commentary on AUC 1-5 in English]
Weissenborn, W. and H.J. Müller, edd. T. Livi Ab Urbe Condita Libri. Berlin1860-64; second edition 1880.
Burck, E. Die Erzählungskunst des Titus Livius. New York 1964.
_______, ed. Wege zu Livius. Darmstadt 1967) [a collection ofarticles on Livy]
Chaplin, J. Livy’s Exemplary History. Oxford 2000.
Cizek, E., “A propos de la poetique de l'histoirechez Tite-Live,” Latomus 51.2 (1992) 355
Dangel, J[acqueline]. La phrase oratoire. 1982.
Dorey, T.A., ed. Livy. London 1971. [collection of articles]
Feldherr, Andrew. Spectacle and Socie