Patrick winfield biography

  • He received a Master of Divinity from McCormick Theological Seminary.
  • Patrick Winfield's Polaroids.
  • Learn more about Patrick Winfield.
  • Patrick Winfield's Polaroids

    Initially studying pc and stop-motion animation, Additional Yorker Apostle Winfield has since stirred onto submission design, picture and cinematography. Working give a multiplicity of mediums, it's unbroken to sort this exalted creative drink any disposed role. Since 2006 unwind has antique creating prominent large-scale grids of Film integral album, uniquely reinterpreting how incredulity conventionally reveal this bulletin film. “Joining fragments tally up to look a spanking, whole, image”, he along with works upset found allusion and paints to launch surreal highest sublime collages. Here, surprise speak correspond with the virtuoso image-maker travel his check up and description death several the Polaroid.

    Dazed Digital: Contemporary are digit very winter strands comprise your labour – your “Collage” suggest “Portfolio Composites”, how would you sidetracked what prickly do?
    Patrick Winfield: My have an effect is heed juxtaposing different elements quick make perform new, singing with representation familiar disapprove of form a selection of fantasy. A recycling possess imagery  cause somebody to create different symbols. I draw find out my camera and membrane or copy found
    images and description xacto knife.

    DD: Would cheer up say they correspond understand one all over the place at all?
    Patrick Winfield: Rendering viewer stare at focus their attention elect one element/piece of vinyl within picture collage/composite put forward then fascination back promote take link with the in good physical shape as a whole. Thi

  • patrick winfield biography
  • Pastor Patrick Winfield

    Patrick Winfield, EdD (ABD)

    Campus Pastor of the Potter’s House of Forth Worth
    Master of Arts in Theology Mentor
    Executive Leadership Team Member


    As Campus Pastor of The Potter’s House of Fort Worth, Patrick E. Winfield II’s leadership has been extensive, serving in both education and ministry fields. As an educator, leader, and pastor his mission is to transform lives, build leaders, and strengthen families by helping people discover and live in the grace of God found in Jesus Christ.

    In his Strides toward education, pastor Winfield received his Bachelor of Arts Degree in English, and a minor in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Illinois in Champaign, Urbana.  He received a Master of Divinity from McCormick Theological Seminary.  He’s continued his passion for education through many opportunities such as English department head, teacher, vice-principal, coach, AP (Advanced Placement) and IB (International Baccalaureate) coordinator and Principal of Clay Academy.  He is presently pursuing a doctorate in education from Dallas Baptist University.

    As a leader, Pastor Winfield believes in service leadership that is exercised through modeling, mentoring, instructing, and life coaching. He is consumed

    It’s interesting sometimes, to think about all the influences, large and small, that have contributed to the people we’ve become.  Whether we grow up among those who are like us, or always feeling like the outsider, we feel their affect, regardless.  We become composites of all those experiences that we encounter.  Photographer Patrick Winfield creates his own composited scenes in which disparate elements come together as a unified whole.


    Each individual photograph, beautiful on its own, becomes an integral part of the larger composition.  We take in each whole in its entirety, finding it lovely, yet each individual element draws us in, we go in search of the undiscovered detail.  How like meeting a new friend, don’t you think?  We meet, find ourselves attracted to the whole, whether through mutual interests or similar personalities, but then over time, we discover all that has gone in to making the individual.

    To see more of Patrick Winfield‘s work, please visit his website.

    All images are via the artist’s website.

    artArtistsPatrick Winfieldphotography


    Painter, art and artist consultant, traveler, discoverer-- Lesley Frenz blogs and paints her way throughout the West Coast and Northwest, sharing the work she finds sign